I am currently a research assistant in the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore, advised by Prof. Jonathan Scarlett. Previously, I completed my bachelor thesis at the University of Melbourne where I was advised by Prof.Jonathan Manton. I was also fortunate to work part-time as a research consultant at WorldQuant, LLC.
I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Instrumentation from BITS Pilani, Goa, India in 2019. For detailed information check my [CV] or shoot me an email.
Research Interests
I am generally interested in the broad area of machine learning. Recently, I have been exploring a number of diverse research areas and have been particularly interested in the following
- Generative modeling.
- Machine Learning algorithms for graph structured data.
- Bayesian optimization, multi-armed bandits and bayesian deep learning.
Recent News
June 1, 2020. The paper titled “Sample Complexity Bounds for 1-bit Compressive Sensing and Binary Stable Embeddings with Generative Priors” was accepted to ICML 2020.
Feb 11, 2021. The paper titled “Lenient Regret and Good-Action Identification in Gaussian Process Bandits” was uploaded to arxiv. (Under Review)